
Legislative Update:

§ 301.49 is enacted to establish global positioning system (GPS) tracking for persons who violate domestic abuse and harassment restraining orders.

§ 301.49 is enacted to establish global positioning system (GPS) tracking for persons who violate domestic abuse and harassment restraining orders.

§ 813.129 is enacted to authorize courts to report violations of domestic abuse and harassment restraining orders to the Department of Corrections immediately upon conviction and to order the person to submit to GPS tracking. It also allows the court to request that the Department of Corrections provide a validated risk assessment of the person or that a domestic violence prevention or treatment center complete a danger assessment of the person in order to aid the court in making the requisite findings for ordering participation in GPS tracking. If the court orders a person to participate in GPS tracking, (2011)

2011 Act 266 GPS Tracking for Injunction Violations

Act passed in 2011 takes effect January 2014: FAMILY VIOLENCE: Legislative Update

Summary of 2011 Act 266 GPS Tracking for Injunction Violations: Wisonsin Legislative Council Act Memo

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GPS Tracking For Domestic Abuse Offenders
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